The bodies of the Single European Sky ATM Research 3 Joint Undertaking are:

Governing Board

The Governing Board, which is responsible for the strategic orientation and the operations of the Joint Undertaking and supervises the implementation of its activities. Chaired by the Commission (DG MOVE), it is composed of founding members and permanent observers from strategic partners.

Members of the GB

Executive Director

The Executive Director, who is the chief executive responsible for the day-to-day management of the Joint Undertaking, in accordance with the decisions of the Governing Board. Since the 1 July 2022, Andreas Boschen is the Executive Director of the SESAR 3 JU.

States' Representatives Group

The States’ Representatives Group, which monitors the programme progress of the Joint Undertaking, and in line with the Horizon Europe strategic planning and with other relevant EU and member states’ (national and regional) funding instruments. The Group shall also present a coordinated position, taking into consideration the views expressed in the Single Sky Committee.

Members of the SRG

Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee (Scientific Advisory Body), which provides advice to the SESAR 3 JU Governing Board on the implementation of the SESAR 3 Research Programme, in particular on the necessary bridge between the SESAR 3 Exploratory and Industrial Research Activities, and ensures the scientific excellence of the SESAR 3 JU Work Programme.

More on the SC