
Swedavia is a world leader in developing airports with the least possible environmental impact. Swedavia works actively to promote the switch to biofuel and has the goal that five per cent of all fuel used for refueling at Swedish airports shall be fossil-free by 2025.
Fredrik Jaresved, Director of Strategic Initiatives an Innovation, SWEDAVIA
What is the added value of being a member of the SESAR 3 JU?
The added benefit for us to take part in the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking can be summarised in one word, and that word is cooperation. By cooperating with other organisations, we will be able to transform into a more efficient and sustainable business for the benefit of the entire aviation sector and actually for the entire society.
Why is air traffic management and its digital transformation important to Swedavia?
A larger degree of automation will lead to better predictability, better punctuality, and also a better utilisation of our airport infrastructure.
What are Swedavia’s top three innovation priorities?
The top three priorities for Swedavia when it comes to innovation, is multimodality, automation support and artificial intelligence. When it comes to multimodality, it has to do with connecting the different modes of transport into the airport, sharing data between different actors and so forth, giving a better passenger experience for all the passengers travelling through our airport.
When it comes to automation support, it has to do with giving the air traffic controllers the right tools in order to facilitate a good flow in and out of the airport. And by that, also increasing the utilisation of our airport infrastructure in a better manner that we have today. When it comes to artificial intelligence, that's also a very important tool for us in order to get automised timestamps, especially for our mid and smaller sized airports that lack this tool today, that will also give us a better understanding and also provide better information to Eurocontrol when it comes to the air traffic flow management in Europe as a whole.
In which flagships of the Digital European Sky programme is Swedavia particularly interested in getting involved, and why?
The main parts in SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking that we would like to participate in is first of all multimodality and passenger experience by bringing the different stakeholders together, sharing information about, for example, operational disturbances, we can mitigate those types of disturbances and thereby enhancing the passenger experience and also increase the efficiency of our flows, passenger flows at our airports. Secondly, it has to do with connected and automated ATM, by providing more efficient tools to our air traffic controllers, we will increase the predictability and also punctuality of our airport operations. And then third, but not least, we have for many years worked with curved approaches, now we would like to take the next step and operationalise these curved approaches, which will bring both operational and environmental benefits to the European aviation sector.