• 9 June 2022
    09:30 > 12:00
  • Map

How can innovation help airports in a post-COVID world? That is the question that members and partners in SESAR JU investigated in recent months. They looked at solutions in the SESAR research and innovation pipeline that could help airports adapt their operations to the new normal, as well as technologies that could build resilience especially among hard-hit small to medium airports.

covid airport

Aéroports de Paris-AdP and Schiphol Airport are organising an open day to present the results from these “quick win” initiatives based on COVID-19 recovery. Both projects are part of the SESAR 3 JU Project PJ-04, also known as ‘Total Airport Management’.


Register by sending an e-mail with subject ‘SESAR PJ.04 QW’, your name and organisation to: derogee@schiphol.nl

tam post covid