ATM communications capacity is reaching saturation in Europe and the United States, because of the increasing air-traffic volumes and density. The problem is most severe on the airport surface where the large concentration of aircraft is combined with pre-flight and post-flights operations increasingly relying on the data communications capacity. Hence there is the need for reliable, scalable and efficient data link technologies that can relax the bandwidth requirements on legacy links such as VHF Data Link Mode 2, in particular in the airport environment. In addition, the need to protect communication between the ground and aircraft/vehicles with secure datalinks is getting more and more important. AeroMACS was born as an answer to all of these needs.
SESAR is looking at both avionics/vehicles and ground infrastructure requirements for robust digital voice and data services. This future communication infrastructure (FCI) sees the use of multi-link technologies in order to deliver higher data capacity, improved communications performance, lower transaction time and higher continuity. AeroMACS is one of the datalink technologies within this FCI framework.
To complement the already delivered solution (#102), SESAR is now working on integrating AeroMACS with specific communications protocols, such as aeronautical telecommunication network open systems interconnection (ATN/OSI) and internet protocol suite (ATN/IPS), and multilink systems (PJ.14-02.06). AeroMACS has been already standardised at global level by ICAO, EUROCAE, RTCA and the Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee (AEEC).

SJU references: #102/Release 5


- Enhanced safety, security and resilience
- Increased cost efficiency
- High throughput and low latency datalink


Contextual Note

Regulatory overview


GEN 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Validation Report 1 - 2 - 3

Security assessment

# 102 /Release 5

Key area

Enabling aviation infrastructure


Cost efficiency
Enhanced safety
Optimised capacity


Maturity level: V3/TRL6
Datapack: Yes
remote tower